Undertale sex game
Undertale sex game

undertale sex game

I plan to be picking up and packing around a lot of junk on my adventures. The tiny box they give you for equipment is ridiculous. When using the standard character sheets I always find myself wanting extra space for my equipment. I note my Tool Proficiencies on Sheet 2 in the Tools Equipment section by putting, , or next to each tool to indicate where the proficiency came from. These will either be a standard Skill Proficiency, listed on the left (which I tend to annotate with for race, for class, and for background), or they will be a Tool Proficiency. You might notice I don't have a separate place for Background Skills.

undertale sex game

I'm a very organized person and mixing my Race and Class Skills gives me anxiety. I wanted clearly delineated sections for Race Skills and Class Skills. Secondly, I wanted to try to solve some of the things that I struggle with on the character sheets provided at the end of the Player's Handbook.

undertale sex game

In addition to the default spell-caster version of Sheet 1, I've included a non-spell-caster Sheet 1, with plenty of space for your non-spell-based skills and features. Grab the print-ready 5e Character Sheets PDF or click on the 300 dpi JPGs below and start making your character.

Undertale sex game